
Episode 10: Gaming as a Modern Hypnosis: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges for Gamers

Listen or subscribe via your favourite app In this episode, hosts Clancy Barton and Carolanne Ashley dive deep into the fascinating world of gaming and its parallels to hypnosis. They explore how the intense focus and immersion experienced by gamers can mimic a hypnotic state, and how this can both benefit and challenge their mental health and social skills. Key Takeaways: Gamers often develop valuable skills like problem-solving, strategic...

Episode 9: Unlocking Authenticity: Transforming Your Relationship with Yourself Through Hypnosis

Listen or subscribe via your favourite app Hosts Carolanne and Clancy explore the deep connection between the mind and body and how it shapes our life experiences. The episode focuses on the importance of cultivating a strong relationship with oneself as the foundation for all other connections the challenges of overcoming the fear of judgment and rejection, and how hypnosis can help address the root causes of these limiting beliefs. Clancy...

Episode 8: Discovering Your Why – Uncovering Your Purpose and Passion

Listen or subscribe via your favourite app In this episode, hosts Carolanne and Clancy explore the topic of discovering your "why" - the core motivation and driving force behind your life and actions. They explore the importance of understanding your purpose (who you are) and your passion (what you love to do) and how uncovering this can lead to greater personal and professional fulfilment. Carolanne and Clancy share their own journeys of...

Episode 7: Unlocking Your True Potential: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Listen or subscribe via your favourite app Do you ever feel like invisible chains are holding you back from achieving your true potential? Join us on this transformative episode of the MindBodyLink podcast, where Carolanne Ashley and Clancy Barton, seasoned international mind coach therapists, unpack the hidden thoughts that sabotage our progress. We delve into the concept of limiting beliefs—the subtle yet powerful ideas that fuel feelings...

Episode 6: Overcoming Anxiety Through Hypnosis: Uncovering and Addressing the Root Causes

Listen or subscribe via your favourite app In this episode, Carolanne Ashley and Clancy Barton explore how hypnosis can help with anxiety by addressing its root causes. They explain that anxiety is a natural emotion that everyone experiences, but when it becomes overwhelming or chronic, it can interfere with daily life. Hypnosis acts as a tool to dig into the root cause of anxiety and remove it, preventing it from returning. They share...

Episode 5: How Hypnotherapy Can Help Chronic Conditions

Listen or subscribe via your favourite app In this episode, Carolanne Ashley and Clancy Barton explore the world of hypnotherapy and its impact on chronic health conditions. They discuss the mind-body connection, the role of hypnosis in accessing the subconscious mind, and how hypnotherapy can help uncover and release emotional triggers. They share success stories of clients who have experienced significant improvements in their health...

Episode 4: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection and its Role in Chronic Illness

Listen or subscribe via your favourite app In this episode, Carolanne Ashley and Clancy Barton discuss the profound connection between the mind and body and how it relates to chronic health conditions. Clancy shares insights from her experience helping clients overcome challenges like autoimmune diseases and chronic pain. She explains how childhood experiences can shape the development of subconscious programs and neural pathways in the...

Episode 3: Unlocking the Secrets to Better Sleep

Listen or subscribe via your favourite app In this episode, Carolanne Ashley and Clancy Barton dive into the fascinating world of sleep. They explore its profound importance and how transformational therapies and hypnosis can dramatically improve sleep quality. Carolanne, an expert in sleep therapy, shares her personal journey and practical tips to help listeners achieve a restful night's sleep. Key Topics: Understanding the 90-minute sleep...

Episode 2: Understanding the Subconscious Mind

Listen or subscribe via your favourite app In this episode, Carolanne Ashley and Clancy Barton discuss the workings of the subconscious mind and why it's difficult for people to understand their own mind. Key topics covered include: The Basics of the Mind: Conscious Mind: Described as the logical and rational 'adult' part of the mind. Subconscious Mind: Referred to as the emotional, imaginative 'child', handling automatic thoughts,...

Episode 1: Unlocking the Secrets of Your Mind: Exploring the Mind-Body Connection

Listen or subscribe via your favourite app Hosts Carolanne Ashley and Clancy Barton introduce their new podcast exploring the mind-body connection through hypnotherapy and personal growth techniques. Carolanne and Clancy share how they met through hypnosis training and discovered a shared passion for understanding how the mind impacts wellness. They discuss their approaches to coaching clients - Carolanne helps navigate thoughts and...