Episode 20: Clearing Out Mental ANTs: How to Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones

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In this short mind moment, Carolanne Ashley reveals how automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) can invade your mind and how to replace them with positive, empowering thoughts (PETs). Learn to recognize, challenge, and transform your inner dialogue.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS)
  • Identify 7 common types of negative thinking patterns
  • 3-step process to challenge and replace negative thoughts
  • Practical strategies for mental wellness

Common ANTs Types:

  1. All-or-Nothing Thinking
  2. Comparison Trap
  3. Guilty Feeling ANTS
  4. “Should” Thinking
  5. Mind Reading ANTS
  6. Blame ANTS
  7. Fortune Telling ANTS
  8. Exaggeration ANTS
  9. Emotional Reasoning ANTS

3-Step ANTS Elimination Process:

  1. Catch It: Pause and notice the negative thought
  2. Question It: Challenge the thought’s validity
  3. Flip It: Replace with a positive, empowering thought


If this episode resonated with you, share it with someone who might benefit from it. Remember: progress is better than perfection.

Tune in next time for another quick reset with Short Mind Moments. Until then, take a deep breath—calm is always within reach!

Find out more at YourMindBodyLink.com
Instagram: @YourMindBodyLink

Your Hosts
Clancy Barton: autoimmunenaturaltreatment.com

Carolanne Ashley: carolanneashley.com
Instagram: CarolanneAshley